High Definition Acoustics Manufactory

Be Acoustics is a Belgian manufacturer for high-end class acoustical products & accessories

We develop, produce and market products related to acoustics that meet our own needs and requirements

We put our in-depth knowledge of the field of acoustics to the benefit of the development of our products. The result: truly efficient products with state-of-the-art acoustic characteristics.

If you have a specefic need, do not hesitate to contact us.

The quest of the purest fidelity

                        Battle against distortions

Whether in the living room or in the studio, high fidelity should be the most accurate reproduction of the original work. Each element of the broadcasting chain contributes to it.
The more faithful the reproduction, the less deterioration (or distortion) of the original signal.
The quest for the purest fidelity is therefore a battle against distortions.

Which distortion values are acceptable?

Some elements of the broadcasting chain have a negligible distortion rate. DACs are commonly found which have a distortion rate of less than 0.01% at 1kHz.
Other elements display significantly less flattering values. Rare are speaker manufacturers that display distortion or linearity values of their speakers, as these numbers are bad! Most speakers have a distortion rate in anechoic chamber of the order of a few% at 1kHz. At low frequencies, these values commonly exceed 10%! The best speaker are around 1% at 1kHz …

Finally, a link often overlooked is the listening room and placement of speakers and the listening position in this room. A contemporary living room can easily induce a distortion greater than 10%! Even an acoustically traited room may add more than 5% distortion if the speakers position and the listening position are not set correctly …

At BeAcoustics, every decision made when designing a product is primarily guided by the impact on fidelity. It is the actual performances that dictate the design of the final product.

Our prototypes are carefully analyzed in lab to guarantee the highest fidelity. All developments in a product do not lead to better results. Some evolutions, promising on paper, in theory or according to the results of the most advanced simulations, do not give however better results. It is not always possible to accurately simulate the acoustic behavior of a product as the phenomena that come into play are complex and numerous. This is why we only keep the developments that bring an objectively quantifiable improvement.

Some developments are very long and expensive. The frustration is all the greater when the impact on fidelity is not at the rendezvous. Economic constraints are pushing some companies to market “evolutions” sometimes less efficient. These commercial enterprises then deploy an arsenal of commercial arguments to extol the merits of their products. The real performances are passed over in favor of more accessory parameters … In reality, marketing seems to evolve much faster than the laws of physics and technological advances.

At Be Acoustics, we create facts, not myths.

Christophe Hermans

Manager of BeAcoustics
